Thursday, April 2, 2009

Health benefits of Peppers

Peppers come in various colors.The level of heat depends on the amount of capsaicin present in the seeds.The capsaicin dilates blood vesselsto increase circulation.Peppers are avialable fresh,dried,powdered,in oil,in sauce,bottled and pickled.Capsaicin in Peppers can cause severe buring sensation to the skin when we touches the,Wash hands with soap if you touches the Peppers.Peppers belong to the family of tomatoes,Egg plant,White Potatoes.There are available throughout the year.

Medical Benefits of Peppers
Peppers are high in Vitamin A ,C and K .Peppers are added to medicines which relieve sore throats.

If you eat more peppers they can burn the lining of the stomach so limit to take them.

Antioxidant in Peppers help to prevent Cell damage,Cancer .

Red Peppers may be helpful to prevent Prostate Cancer,Bladder Cancer,Cervix Cancer,Lung Cancer.

Peppers also provides fiber.

Peppers reduce respiratory problems.

The Capsaicin in hot peppers may have effect to lower blood cholesterol and triglycerides.

Peppers are known to help weight loss.

They are low in calories.

Capsaicin found in Peppers is useful to reduce the pain of arthritis.

Peppers may be helpful to prevent stomach ulcers.

Using Peppers in our diet may helpful to reduce the risk of hyperinsulinenia.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Migraines can effect your life. Treating migraines is important..There are lot of effective treatments avilable to help prevent and treat headaches.And at the same time there is no simple cure for migraines.

Migraine Characteristics

There is not x-ray or blood test to identify migraine. Migraine is identified when person has these symptoms

Pain on one side of the head.Pain may switch sides during migraine.

Migraine may resolve quickely or it may lost till one or more days.

You cannot bear noises.

You may have severe pain on both sides of the head.

Migraine Triggers

Migraine is probably caused by genetic or environmental factors.


Skippin meals

Change in weather




Treatment for Migraines

Treating migraines is important.Migraines can effect your life.

Migraine treatment includes both medication and non medication treatments.

Non Medication treatments are

stress management


Llifestyle modificatio

If the food is triggering the migraine eliminate the foods from your diet.

Eat and sleep on a right schedule.

Add eexercise on your daily routine.

Migraine mediaction can be divided into acute and preventive therapies.

Acute therapies are used to treat a specific migraines.

Preventive therapy,is designed to prevent future headaches.Preventive therapy is designed to reduce long-term headache frequency and severtiy

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Health Risks of Obesity

It is very important to stay healthy to enjoy life. If we have someone that we need to take care of like our children,parents then we need to be healthy and fit. Motivation is important for you to stay healthy and fit. It does not require hardwork to stay healthy. All you need is healthy lifestyle. Don't have too many restrictions on food. Eat whatever your like most but take it in moderation. It is not like do it sometime achieve your goal and leave it. You have to maintain good health for life long. Some diseases we cannot predict but we can control so many diseases by staying fit and lead a healthy lifestyle.

1. Eat Vegetables

2. Eat Fruits

3. Eat Whole grains

4. Eat heart-healthy fats from plant sources

5. Eat fish high in omega-3 fatty acids

6. Eat low-fat soy protein.

7. Eat the leanest white and red meats.

8. Take a multivitamin daily.

9. Limit or avoid alcohol.

10.Limit taking sodium

11.Avoid eating processed foods

12.Avoid taking sodas,candies and other junk food

13.Most importantly exercise daily

14.Limit your stress levels.Go for massages or do yoga.Relax yourself.

15.Sleep well.

16.Never Skip breakfast.

17. Do exercise you like and having fun.

18. Drink lots of water.

19. Maintain healthy weight.

20. Go for annual check ups, dentist appointments regularly.

21. Talk with somebody, your friend,spouse,counselor.

22.Wash your hands before eating.

23. Maintain persomal Hygiene.

Tips to Stay Healthy and Fit

It is very important to stay healthy to enjoy life. If we have someone that we need to take care of like our children,parents then we need to be healthy and fit. Motivation is important for you to stay healthy and fit. It does not require hardwork to stay healthy. All you need is healthy lifestyle. Don't have too many restrictions on food. Eat whatever your like most but take it in moderation. It is not like do it sometime achieve your goal and leave it. You have to maintain good health for life long. Some diseases we cannot predict but we can control so many diseases by staying fit and lead a healthy lifestyle.

1. Eat Vegetables

2. Eat Fruits

3. Eat Whole grains

4. Eat heart-healthy fats from plant sources

5. Eat fish high in omega-3 fatty acids

6. Eat low-fat soy protein.

7. Eat the leanest white and red meats.

8. Take a multivitamin daily.

9. Limit or avoid alcohol.

10.Limit taking sodium

11.Avoid eating processed foods

12.Avoid taking sodas,candies and other junk food

13.Most importantly exercise daily

14.Limit your stress levels.Go for massages or do yoga.Relax yourself.

15.Sleep well.

16.Never Skip breakfast.

17. Do exercise you like and having fun.

18. Drink lots of water.

19. Maintain healthy weight.

20. Go for annual check ups, dentist appointments regularly.

21. Talk with somebody, your friend,spouse,counselor.

22.Wash your hands before eating.

23. Maintain persomal Hygiene.

Garlic Health Benefits

Garlic is a herb of the onion family.Ccrush a clove or two fo Garlic into water and drink. you can eat raw garlic if you are not sensitive to Garlic.You need to wait atleast 10 minutes before using crushed raw garlic for maximum effect.If the vegetables or meat is not fresh before cooking then rub crushed garlic all over them and cook.If the water is not purified and if you have drink it then add crushed garlic for the water for sometimes and then drink it.If you are too sensitive to Garlic take Garlic supplements.It has numerous health benefits.

Garlic has been used to treat asthma,leprosy,bronchial congestion,worms.

Garlic can control blood pressure.arthritis,cancerous growth and cough.

It is good for treating skin conditions like acne.

Garlic has powerful antioxidant.

Garlic has vitamin C,B6,Selenium,magnesium,potasium,calcium.

Garlic has sulphur compund called allicin.Allicin has so many health benefits.

Garlic can lower cholestrol and blood pressure.

Regular eating of Garlic is helpful to fight the infections.

Garlic is helpful to prevent the formation fo blood clots.

Garlic improves immune system.It helps to treat the cold.

Garlic has also been found to be helpful in detoxificatio of bodily system.

10 drops of garlic juice with 2 teaspoon of honey may cure asthma.

Put the Garlic in boiling worter and drink it.It may cure athlet's foot.

Garlic is beneficial for eyes and brain.

Garlic is a great antiseptic.

Garlic helps to regulate blood sugar.

Garlic is a treatment for snake bites.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Diabetes is the disease when the body does not produce or properly used insulin.In order to determine we need to undergo Fasting Plasma Glucose Test or Oral Glucose Tolerance Test.
With the FPG test. a fasting glucose level between 100 and 125 mg/dl is said to be prediabetic.A person who is higher then 125 mg/dl has diabetic.
Major Types of Diabetes:
Type 1 Diabetes:
Type 1 diabetes results when the body's failure to produce insulin.
Type 2 Diabetes
Type2 diabetes results when the body fails to use insulin.
We can manage our diabetes with healthy eating.The person with diabetic has to cut down his carbohydrates and fat.Eat whole grain foods.And when eat keep the portions small.Eating vegetables like broccoli,spinach is good. Stay away from cakes,cookies,icecreams.
Exercise is very important in managing the diabetes. Do regular walking everyday,go for a gym or play sports whatever it it do it regularly.
Gestational diabetes
When the pregenant women have diabetes this is called gestational diabetes

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

PCOS causes these Medical problems:
1. Difficult conceiving: Women with PCOS may not ovulate regularly or they are not ovulating at all.
2. Irregular Periods: Most of the women with PCOS have irregular periods .
3. Acne: Women who has PCOS has more chance of getting acne.
4. Excessive Facial hair: Most of the women who has PCOS has excessive facial hair.
Tests for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome:
An ultrasound Ovary Scan can help to find out small cysts.However, it is not necessary that all women who has PCOS should have cysts.
A blood test may helpful in finding any disturbance in harmones.
Medical Treatments for PCOS:
your doctor may suggest drugs for fertility related problems which is caused by PCOS or harmone therapy for male-pattern hair growth and acne.
Home treatments that you can manage the symptoms of Polycystic Ovary syndrome(PCOS) .
Weight Control or Weight Loss: Weight loss can reduce androgen levels to restore ovulation and fertility in most of the women with PCOS.
Exercise: Exercise daily.Exercise help in managing PCOS.
Eat a balanced diet: you should eat more healthy food such as lots of fruits,vegetables,Whole grains, and low-fat dairy products and less meat. Moderate eating of Chicken brest is fine too. It has lots of proteins.The vitamins and minerals that are helpful for managing PCOS are Zinc,magnesium,B vitamins and omega 3's, which are found in Fish and in seeds such as flaxseed.
don't smoke and drink alchhol.
Limit sugar intakes.
If you are over stressed, your body produces cortisol which can cause an over-production of androgens.So, Try to relax and take plenty of rest.